Sunday, December 13, 2009

Our kids

Yep...those are our kids! :)

Visiting Santa

We went to visit Santa and Ashlyn and Brady did well. Ashlyn was laughing on Santa's lap but Brady took a little more convincing to get on Santa's lap. Brady told Santa what he wanted, took the picture, and off he got! (If you look close, you may recognize Santa's helper) :)

Cuttin the tree

We went and cut our own Christmas tree this year! How fun!!! We headed to to Camelot Tree Farm to find the perfect tree. Brady enjoyed running to each tree wanting to pick that one for our house. We ended up finding the perfect tree that was tall but skinny! Dusty & Brady cut the tree down and then we headed to Santa's Shop for hot choco, juice, and cookies. It was great family time and only had to stop 3 times on the way home to fix the tree! :D

Monday, November 2, 2009



Alex & Brady
Brady & Ashlyn
Ready to hand out that candy!

Ashlyn Trick-or-Treating

Happy Halloween! We enjoyed hanging around the house, handing out candy, and visiting with neighbors. Kids received A LOT of candy, and now don't know what to do with it!!! Overall a great day!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Around the house....

Brady LOVES taking are a few of his masterpieces!

Girls Night Out...

Yep...that is right! Mom got a night out! Woooo Hoooo! Started off at the Black Iris, headed to Santa Fe, and ended the night at Knuckleheads. It was a good time and hung with some friends I hadn't seen in awhile. Oh and just a out for signs!

Dollinger Farm

My Family!
So tall!

Checking out the kid houses and slides.

Hmmmm...which one should I pick?!?!

Awwww...Brother and Sister

See anything funny about this picture???

We went to the pumpkin patch to find some BIG pumpkins and spend a little family time together. There was sooo many people there and it ended up being a mild weather day. While we were there, there was a civil war reenactment going on so that was entertaining. We saw Abe Lincoln!!! I should have gotten a picture of that but I was taking too many pictures of my kiddos enjoying the day.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Brady's Surgery

Brady and his buddy, George

Playing catch with Dad before the surgery.

Brady has had many problems with colds over the past two years and we could never stay on top of it. Finally they saw scar tissue on his ear drums so they sent him to an ear specialist. They gave him some medicine to see if things would clear up, and it did but the middle ear still had fluid. The doctor decided that putting tubes and taking out Brady's adenoid would be of a benefit for him at this time. The surgery was scheduled for Monday October 5 and when we went to the pre-surgical check up, he had a cold AGAIN. They gave him some strong medicine and he had to get rechecked again on Saturday to get the approval...we got it, so Monday at 7:30 it was. When we arrived at the hospital we got registered and Brady had to get into this TINY little gown! He was then given some medicine to calm him down a little. We had cartoons on the tv and I had lots of toys and books with. About 7:30 the nurses came to take him to surgery and off he went on the bed. We gave him our kisses and into the operating room he rolled. I broke down! Wow...I have NEVER felt that way...I saw my child get taken away and I had no control over what was going to happen, and this was minor! That 45 minutes was the LONGEST of my life so far. The doctor came out and said we made a good choice by doing this. The fluid in Brady's middle ear was as think as maple syrup. Wow! About 20 more minutes went by and we got to go see him. He was just waking up and was very confused. Crying, Screaming, trying to rip out his IV. It was scary but not at the time since that parent mode kicks in and all you want to do is make him feel better. We got some fluids in him and out came the IV. I then climbed up on the bed and we watched Cars. He calmed down and for the next couple of hours it was Popsicles and apple juice. Once home, we just hung out on the couch and after his nap, he felt much better and was running around like his normal self. What a whirlwind of emotions...Thanks for all the calls, texts, e-mails, and facebook posts! We really needed it and really appreciated hearing from all of you!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Brady Loves to Dance!

Oprah had a block party to kick off her show and I DVR'd it. We started to watch it and when Brady heard the music, he started dancing around like crazy. We have kept it and watch it every other day or so and Brady has started to learn the dance that the people in the crown do. I had to record it and show off his great dancing moves!

Go Bears

Hi Ashlyn Ray!
With the addition of Jay Cutler, we have been pretty excited around the house! The first game gave us a little shock but after that it has been fun and stressful at the same time. The kids have been dressed in their Bears gear and Brady copies Dusty and yells at the tv. It is a pretty cute!

Josh and Ami Boss

What a beautiful bride and Josh looked pretty hansom himself!
Mr. & Mrs. Josh Boss
Cousin Dave giving the "best man" speech

The kissing demonstrations.

Sandwich Fair

The mouse game.
The duck game.

Yum, corndogs!!!

We enjoyed our normal Thursday night walk around the fair. Dusty had to work Sports Boosters so we were able to stroll around before hand. Uncle Matt joined us also. We enjoyed some food and got to catch up with a lot of people. Fun times at the Sandwich Fair!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Morrison Wedding Reception

Dress in your sports gear and come for fun! What a great way to have a wedding reception and it completely fit the crowd. Twin Pigs came in from Detroit to perform and we saw people we hadn't seen in a long time. Thanks Morrison Family for such a fun time!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Busy doctor week

Well this week has been the week of doctors. Ashlyn went in for her 2 month checkup and 4 shots! Not fun. She did surprisingly well with the little temper that she has. I felt bad as the nurse did her shots but it is for the best, right...Anyways. She is 13.3 lbs and 23.5 inches tall. a little on the heavier side right now but they said with how long she is, she is fine. Still on the Colic formula for a couple more weeks and then we will try the switch back to the still expensive but not $60 a week formula! Phew...

Brady had to go to the Ear Specialist today. Not a fun doctors appointment according to me. I know all they are doing is looking in his ears but I felt bad at what may come from this. The doctor said that he has build up behind both ears, not due to ear infections which he has only had one of, but due to the colds that he has had over time. Great...I feel like a terrible mom now not having gotten this check out sooner! So we are on some medication for the next two weeks and then we will be headed back in for a hearing test and a recheck. This will all probably lead to tubes in both ears. 9-12 months of my baby having these. No swimming...I wish I would have taken care of this sooner so he wouldn't have to go through this...I really hope he has not had any hear loss because of this either...I will feel terrible!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Arkansas 2009 - Ashlyn Smiled!

My baby girl!
Enjoying the boat

Oh, I think she is going to do it...

There it is! Her smile is great!

Brady having a great time.

Arkansas 2009

Brother and Sister on the boat
Nap time

Brady's first fish! He didn't want to hold it?!?

Swim time

My boys!