Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Brady Loves to Dance!

Oprah had a block party to kick off her show and I DVR'd it. We started to watch it and when Brady heard the music, he started dancing around like crazy. We have kept it and watch it every other day or so and Brady has started to learn the dance that the people in the crown do. I had to record it and show off his great dancing moves!

Go Bears

Hi Ashlyn Ray!
With the addition of Jay Cutler, we have been pretty excited around the house! The first game gave us a little shock but after that it has been fun and stressful at the same time. The kids have been dressed in their Bears gear and Brady copies Dusty and yells at the tv. It is a pretty cute!

Josh and Ami Boss

What a beautiful bride and Josh looked pretty hansom himself!
Mr. & Mrs. Josh Boss
Cousin Dave giving the "best man" speech

The kissing demonstrations.

Sandwich Fair

The mouse game.
The duck game.

Yum, corndogs!!!

We enjoyed our normal Thursday night walk around the fair. Dusty had to work Sports Boosters so we were able to stroll around before hand. Uncle Matt joined us also. We enjoyed some food and got to catch up with a lot of people. Fun times at the Sandwich Fair!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Morrison Wedding Reception

Dress in your sports gear and come for fun! What a great way to have a wedding reception and it completely fit the crowd. Twin Pigs came in from Detroit to perform and we saw people we hadn't seen in a long time. Thanks Morrison Family for such a fun time!