Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Hello world.

Is that smell you or me?

Oh...you caught me!!!

Daddy has some smelly feet.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Mommy's Little Monster

Brady is doing great! We have loved having him here. He is doing well when it comes to sleeping through the night. Usually one or two feedings in the night and then right back to bed. We have gotten 3 hour time blocks of sleep which isn't that bad at all. We are adjusting to Brady's schedule very well(at least we think so). We did go to the doctor last week and Brady had regained weight and was at his birth weight which is great. Unfortunately they sent us to the hospital to check for a heart murmur which made us crazy. We were the new parents who freak at everything!!! He got an echo gram in which the results came back normal. The doctor said that he should outgrow it but if they hear anything at 1 year of age, they will send us to get another ultrasound. Phew...Well the visitors are still trickling in and it is great to get to see everyone. Brady loves to get to visit with all his friends and relatives, even if he is asleep! :) Love ya.

Brady's picture is available on the Edwards Website. It is a pretty cute pic...check it out!

click on online-nursery

enter 0219IE048847

enter BEHR

What a cutie!!! We love him so much!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

July 18, 2007

Charles Braden Behringer
aka Brady

Welcome to the world!

He weighed 10 lb and measured 22.5 inches. I spent 2 days trying to be induced and did not dilate. We then elected for a c section which was a good choice since he was 10 lbs! He is the best baby and of course we think the best looking baby we have ever seen!

Monday, July 16, 2007

July 16, 2007

This is it. We will be going to the hospital tonight at 6 pm to be induced. Ahhh. After all these weeks of wondering of our little guy was going to come early, here I wait with a baby still inside me. Kind of ironic I might say, but hopefully it will all be over tomorrow! Dusty didnt sleep well last night so I am hoping he will get some sleep tonight in order to be ready for the big day(they said they will give me a sleeping pill, I wonder if Dusty can get one also!). I have pondered and thought about how this is all going to happen but all I can do it pray because there is no way to control what is about to happen. Thanks for the calls and e-mails. They really have helped over the past few days. I know I have been on edge but I really do appreciate the support from everyone! Next time we will be signing on...we will have our little guy...or girl! That would be a shocker!
Dusty & Beth

Saturday, July 14, 2007

D day

Due date has arrived and is almost past with no sign of a baby. :(

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

6 days and counting

Today we had our doctors appointment and finally there was changes. Baby had dropped into position and I was 50% effaced. My official due date is the 14th but if I don't go by Monday(16th) at 6:00 pm I am going to be admitted to the hospital. They are then going to give me some medication to help me thin out and then see if my contractions begin naturally. If not, I will be given Pitocin Tuesday morning. That will send me into labor. Yahoo! The end is near but with that, it pretty much made me sick to my stomach to realize what is about to happen. On the way home from the doctors, Dusty stopped and got "It's a Boy" cigars. He is so excited now, it is so cute! We see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Gil Pickle 7-7-07

This past weekend was the GIL PICKLE! It was probably the hottest day of the summer so far! It was a great time with 4 different bands, 2 giants pigs, and drinks for everyone. We had a very good time. I was not as mobile as years past. I enjoyed a chair right next to a kiddie pool where I kept my feet in the cold water and the shade on my head. Dusty enjoyed talking to people and seeing people he hadn't seen in awhile. He was the social butterfly for me(thanks babe). Zack, Nicole, Greg, Jen, Chris, and Matt came out along with 200 close friends for the party. We had more people than the past 5 years. Hopefully over the next year our goal is to get in contact with all our "lost" buddies and have them come out in 2008 (So start sending e-mails and phone numbers my way)! We need to take advantage of this great party. I would like to thank all the people that asked how I was doing...yes I am still pregnant and yes it was hot (thanks for calling me a trooper) and finally yes...I have only 6 days till my due date! :) Happy Pickle! Estimated Pickle 2008...June 28! Keep the date open.

Dusty & myself enjoying the pickle. Dusty & Zack having a great time.

My hottie husband sporting his bandanna.