Monday, October 1, 2007

2 month shots

Brady had his 2 month shots in which he got 4 shots and an oral steroid! He was a trooper and did a great job. I was so proud of how he did. He did scream and I did tear up but about 30 seconds after, his big smile was back on his face. We will have to do this many more times and I am sure it will get harder each time, especially when he knows what to expect. His next set of shots wont be till month 4, so his legs have time to heal. The best part about the doctors visit is that we found out that Brady was 16 lbs! & was 26 1/2 inches long. He is over the 97% in each category but perfect when it comes to the ratio of height/weight. Wow! I guess we are doing something right. Brady's dedication is set for October 21st at our church. The dedication will be at 10:00 and then we will stay for the 10:30 church service. After that we will have lunch and hopefully enjoy a good bears game! Hope you enjoy the photos of Brady and he is getting so big!!!

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