Friday, February 13, 2009

It's a girl!

Wow...I am in total shock of the results that we got last night. I swore it was going to be another boy with the way I had been feeling and how sick I had been(just like with Brady). I guess I just get ill with being pregnant! I think we sat in the appointment and didn't say much for a couple minutes (Dusty flashed forward 25 years to walking his daughter down the aisle). I had the reaction to the lady of "what". I didn't have girls names or anything picked out because I never had thought about it(even though there was a 50% chance). I was set with boys name that I liked but WHAM a girl! The tech said she was 95% sure that it was a girl and the pictures look totally different than with Brady. The baby is so curled up and stuck that I feel bad! We did get to see the arms, legs, spine and the belly. She is right on track for the 4th of July. The baby is about 1lb which again is just amazing. She was moving almost the whole time and they were only little movements so I am unable to feel them but she was all over the place! The news wave is traveling fast that Dusty is going to have a daughter. He was pretty excited...he gets his table for 4 now! Pics to come when I scan and upload them.

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