Monday, March 19, 2007

St. Pat's Day

Saturday was a great time! We got to hang out with a friend from high school for her birthday. It was so fun to get to see her and her hubby again. We met at some bar in Lisle and they had a band. The band was very cool and they played songs everyone was singing along to. Could have done without the smoke which lead to me having to leave before the party ended. Dusty & myself are looking at getting tickets for the April 7th Sox game due to the fact that we have a few groups of friends going and it would be a good tailgating time. Well see what we can do! BTW on the way home, I was driving and due to the smoke, I had to pull over and get sick. Great...late on St. Pat's night, I am the one with no alcohol in my system and getting sick on the side of the expressway. HA Thank God no cops showed up, it would have been hard to explain. But overall....Happy St. Pat's Day!!! ***Happy Birthday to Stacey & my cuz Meghan***

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to go to a sox game!!! I miss being in Valpo!