Monday, January 23, 2012


I currently have lost all my motivation.  I plan to jump back on the wagon tomorrow but currently feel like I have no energy! 

Not sure where my dedication to working hard has gone.  Maybe it was the years of lessons and practice and when I finally was done, I just became lazy?  I want the quick fix and we all know that loosing weight and dieting is a lifestyle change, not just eating healthy for 3 months and then back to the old ways because then I go right back to where I currently am. 

I need someone in my life to hold me accountable.  I think I am going to talk to someone at the gym and tell them I need to be weighed and called or text if I am not there.  I know when someone is counting on me, I am there.  This is weird because I won't just do it for myself but I don't want to disappoint someone else.  That mind set needs to change.  I need to do this for me! 

Another goal this week is LISTENING. I listen but then I always have to say something, whether it is because I think I have an opinion or even I am uncomfortable. I know people just need to talk sometimes and not be judged. My goal over the next few months is just to be there...whether they need someone just to listen or do want advise but I really am going to work on this with people I meet and talk with. Not assume I know what they need but really listen and ask "What do you need from me?" Then really listen. I challenge you do to the same and not jump to conclusions and think you know what is best. Listen to what a family member, friend, or stranger is really saying...
B - Begin with Prayer
L - Listen
The last couple days have been kind of a  challenge for me.  Saturday I met Thayer, a friend of mine from summer softball, baby boy.  1st time I have held a baby boy since Kellan.  I was scared but think I did ok.  No emotion was shown to the moms! :-)  He is a beautiful healthy little boy which I am very grateful for!

Sunday was pretty fun.  We went to the Hix's home for some football and the kids that were there were a 6th grader, Zack....then Brady 4, Ashlyn 2, Hadley 1, and Briggs, Harper, and Finley who were born in Dec 2011.  Whoa babies!!!  Again, I was a little nervous holding Briggs but something came over me as I held him and look at the beautiful miracles from God.  We are blessed with these children that we do have in our lives!  They are MIRACLES!  They bring us joy, even though they may destroy our friends home with toys everywhere, thanks Andrea!!!  The stories that people go through to have these wonderful babies is so hard, but so rewarding in the end!  
Special babies in my life!  Thank you God for allowing these babies into our lives!  There are many more children in our lives but these are true miracles to me!!!
Sarah Boss 15 years
Kimberly Boss 13 years
Addison Faith Marie Behringer18 months
Thayer Joseph 4 months
Briggs Alexander 8 weeks
Harper James 8 weeks
Adilynne Mae 5 weeks

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beth any emotion shown would have been completely acceptable and very much understood. This blog is extremely inspirational to us. Thank you for sharing your thoughts as we have shared many of these feelings on our journey as well. Thinking of you and your family always. -AM